Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I have been playing around with a more stylized set of illustrations.

Charcoal Study

This was a figure study that I did from a live model in charcoal. This is the piece of mine that gets the most attention in my portfolio when I show it around. It is a beautiful example of what I can do quickly. This drawing took less than an hour to do and I have to say that it is one of my favorites. Sadly when I packed up and moved to California from Ohio it got damaged beyond repair. I now take care of all of my of work.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Album Art

This is the inside to a Jazz Album that I was asked to do. Above is the line drawing and layout that I did. That is all that I was asked to do. Travis at Travlyrics Graphics did the final rendering based on my layout. Here is what the final inside cover turned out to look like. Usually I don't like to do a layout and have someone else alter my image, but I am pleased with how the final rendering turned out.

Monday, February 26, 2007

DJ Brent

This portrait was done at the request of a local DJ. At first this painting looks clean and simple, like it should have been a quick turn around. WRONG. Painting smooth circles and other geometric shapes is a tedious and time consuming task.

Portrait for Christmas

This was a portrait commission that I got right before Christmas. I was contacted by a guy to do a portrait of his grandparents to be given as a gift. The photo that was given to me was of there first date! The couple has been married for more than 50 years and still going strong! I was told that they loved the portrait very much. I am happy that I could do his for them. Every portrait has a story.

Robbie Williams

I made a contact with an Art Director at Capitol Records so I decided to make an new illustration to send. I chose Robbie Williams because he is signed with Capitol Records.

Mock book cover

I had fun with this painting.

The Great Bruce Campbell

I am a big fan of Bruce Campbell so I gave in to the urge to do a portrait of the "King of B Movies."

Ray Charles!

This is a painting that I did shortly after Ray Charles passed away.

James Brunner